Whenever I go to the hospital, which I do somewhat often for work, I am always surprised by how I can just walk wherever I want and nobody tries to stop me. I guess I haven't done a lot of hospital wandering in the states (at least, not without my volunteer vest that shows that I have a reason to be there), but I feel like somebody would stop you, or at least ask you if you needed help finding something, if you tried to wander into, for example, the X-ray or MRI department. Here, though, I can just waltz into whatever department I like, looking kind of lost and carrying my bottles of wine (because usually when I go there it is to deliver wine gifts to guest lecturers), and nobody even looks at me.
Anyway. I think that's weird.
Danmark er så mærkelig.
I wish you allowed anonymous comments. I was going to post as Sylvia Night.
i think you are weird. is this a secret blog or are you going to tell mom and dad about it?
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