Monopoly Her og Nu: Copenhagen version Monopoly, in which "the rent is adjusted to the sky-high prices in today's Copenhagen". Park Place and Boardwalk are replaced by Nyhavn and Strøget, you pay for everything on your Dankort, and I think it's the cutest thing ever. I saw it yesterday at Toys R Us (while trying to kill time on the Ikea trip), and would have bought it if it weren't for the 379 kr. price tag... not that that's apparently unreasonable, as Trivial Pursuit and Cranium were both 499! I can't imagine ever spending $100 on a board game! BUT, I found a place selling Monopoly Her og Nu online for 300 kr, so we'll see... maybe if I'm feeling generous I'll buy myself one as a going away present before I leave.
Jeg også. p.s. du er nu på min rss feed. yay. (jeg mener, hurra! jeg tror hurra er yay på dansk)
I remember playing Monopoly with London streets, pounds and shillings, etc. Boardwalk and Park Place were Mayfair and Hyde Park. Bloody good fun.
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