Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Today I was interviewed by Politiken (the more left-wing of the two big Danish papers) AND by Danish Radio about being an American abroad during the primaries. Here is the Politiken article, although it's in Danish -- maybe you can run it through babelfish or something :) You know you've finally made it big when you have interviews with two big national media companies in one day! Actually, they just came to my work because they know there are a lot of Americans there, I think -- but perhaps they looked me up especially.

I can't find a link to the radio interview so far, but if I do I'll put it up here too -- I'm not sure if it will be in English or Danish though. I imagine I'll probably have a Danish voice-over, but maybe not. The DR girl said they'd make a short version for the channel targeted to young listeners, and a longer version for the grown-ups' channel. This means either that young people have no attention span, or that old people have nothing to do -- or maybe both.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Men Politiken sagt du var alle studentere. Lyvende! Det okay, du er stadig berømt. :) Tillykke!