Thursday, June 5, 2008

Off to Amsterdam, again

Well, it's once again been a while. If I've ever complained about being busy before, I didn't know what I was talking about -- the last couple of weeks have been the most hectic time so far for me at DIS. Tomorrow I'm off to Amsterdam for a week leading a study tour for the "HIV in Europe" program, and planning for that as well as some other study tours while also keeping two programs running on a day-to-day basis has been crazy. But on the plus side, the weather has been amazing for weeks, so I've been spending as much time as possible outside. I hope it holds out! The days are also getting longer and longer, as we approach Skt. Hans Aften (midsummer's eve -- I'm looking forward to going to the beach to see all the bonfires). At the moment it gets dark around 11, and then starts getting light again by 3.30 or so -- such a huge change from February, which seems like it was just yesterday! It's really nice to have so much light though, although I feel like it means I get less sleep. But it's just so much easier to get out and do things when it isn't dark by 4 -- I remember in the winter always feeling like the day was over when I was done with work, because it was already dark. So this is much nicer.

Anyway, not too much to say now, but just thought I'd write a quick update post before heading off on study tour. Oh, and I've also decided to go to Roskilde festival after all (I was debating it since I'll miss the first day on another study tour, to London -- but I've decided 3 days is still worth it, and that I deserve the reward after getting through my summer session!) So I'm excited about that -- it should be quite the experience.

Hope all is well with all of my worldwide fans :)


Sarah said...

So happy to see a post from you! Have fun in Amsterdam! :)

Anonymous said...

Delighted to see another post! Your fans have been clamoring for more. have a good trip. - JP