Thursday, May 1, 2008

Kristi Himmelfartsdag

Today I didn't have to work, as it is ascension day (aka kristi himmelfartsdag, christ skytravelday, christ heavenjourneyday, etc.) Coincidentally, this also happens to be May 1st, which is international workers' day and means, in Copenhagen, that everyone assembles in a big park called Fælledparken to drink beer, listen to music, drink beer, play games, ride rides, drink beer, etc. On my way there, I passed an anarchist demonstration (peacefully overseen by police). The park is also right next to the national stadium, which added to the antics as there was a big game today (brøndby-esbjerg), so there were lots of fans out in their team colors either celebrating or commiserating. It's hard to describe the scale of events like this -- it seems like everyone in the city and suburbs is there, even though it was raining earlier in the day so everybody is covered in mud. People bring there babies, who wander around among all the people drinking and smoking joints. We wandered around, listened to some music at the anti-fascism stage, left to get some food, came back and spent some time watching a game in which grown men tried to knock each other off of a kind of balance beam thing with pillows, wandered around more and eventually left. Sometimes I just think Denmark is so weird...

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