Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Down with Hitler

This inscription, "ned med Hitler" (down with Hitler) is scratched into one of the windows in the stairwell of my building. I wonder if it's real? (Well, I suppose in a sense it's obviously real, but I wonder if it dates back to WWII...)

The spring students have finals this week and then leave this weekend, but I don't get much of a break because the first session summer students then arrive the following Friday -- so things are busy as always at work. BUT, I just had a fantastic 3-day weekend, filled with beaches (one bougie one, Bellevue, north of the city, and one giant one on Amager, east of the city), parks, a picnic, and a party. A perfect relaxing break since things have been so crazy at work lately. The weather has been amazing, sunny and warm, sometimes even what I would call hot, which is unusual for Copenhagen (so much so that they don't even have a word for it...) Today was cooler again, but still sunny. Not complaining!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's striking but somehow right that the anti-Hitler sentiment should be inscribed right above a flower. Let 100 flowers bloom, as the Chinese slogan used to say.