Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday tidbits

1. This morning I was excited to receive my first package via De Grønne Bud! These bicycle delivery men in green Tuborg apparel will (for a steep fee) deliver anything for you to someone else somewhere in or near the city. The one to the right has apparently fallen down, but normally they don't. Most of them eat lunch in Gammel Torv (the square right by my work), so I see them a lot but this is the first time I was important enough to receive something from one of them (some readings for a summer course that I needed by today).
2. On the theme of cycling, May is Vi Cykler Til Arbejde (we cycle to work) month, and to get people in the spirit, the campaign is handing out packages with rolls, fruit, juice, and reflective ankle bands to cyclists in the morning. See pic. There's also a contest in which I'm participating in which a team of people at a workplace log the number of kilometers they collectively ride to and from work in May. The winning team gets an adventure trip to Canada (maybe I could plan this for around August 2nd and then go to the US from there?? It has to be cheaper than flying from Copenhagen...)

3. This weekend I'm going to Oslo! Rachel, Sarah, and I are taking a cruise leaving on Friday and arriving Saturday morning. We'll have Saturday in Oslo and then come back, arriving on Sunday morning. The weather is looking good for Saturday, so hopefully it'll be a nice trip!

4. The weekend trip was facilitated by the fact that we have Friday off for Store Bededag, or Great Prayer Day. We also get May 1st off for Kristi Himmelfartsdag (Ascension Day) and May 12th for 2. Pinsedag (Pentecost). Danes are totally nonreligious except when it gets them out of work :)

5. Also on the theme of Danes loving to skip work:

"Sick leave has become a far greater problem for society than unemployment. According to a new report by the Ministry of Labour, five per cent of the labour force are claiming sickness benefits at any one time, costing society and companies DKK37bn annually, compared to the two per cent who are unemployed." Haha. Slackers.


Anonymous said...
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Sarah said...

01. What did Salar say that warranted it's deletion? This information will be necessary if you want even one Samoa.

01a. I still haven't opened the box. I'm waiting for you, pige. I did freeze some thin mints at your suggestion, though. Yum. Tak! Det var super lækker!

02. That Bud dude doesn't look fallen. That is NOT a face of pain or shame. I think he's just chillin on Old Torv. Maybe thinking about his kæreste.

03. Hurray for Oslo!

04. God, I can't wait to blog on Kristi Himmelfartsdag. I'm gonna rip into it hard.

05. Blogging at work?! That sounds familiar. :)

Libby said...

1. I don't know who Salar is. It was some dumb "click here!" post. Probably a virus or porn.
1a. 'Twas not my suggestion. But it sounds lækker, fo shiz.
2. Maybe.
3. Agreed.
4. Looking forward to it.
5. Yes, even though I'm sickeningly busy with summer program planning. Which is why Store Bededag can't come fast enough!

Sarah said...

We should have a prayer circle or a little ceremony or something on the Oslo boat. Freak all these pagans out with our religiosity. Rachel prob knows how to work that. Go Catholic School!