Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Danes love to bite chumps

This may be incomprehensible to my older readers, but to anyone familiar with Facebook it should make sense. I have noticed that Danes, and maybe Europeans in general (based on a smaller pool, so maybe it's not statistically significant) just LOVE facebook applications. Especially the vampire one, where you can "bite chumps" to turn them into vampires. But it holds for all applications -- most Danes have so many that you have to scroll down for like an hour to get to the NORMAL wall (below the superwall, and the funwall, and the daily babe, and the "if you were a _____, what kind of ______ would you be" quizzes, and the extended info, etc., etc., etc.!) It's nuts. Seriously guys, do we NEED to see your hot bag on your facebook page?? Actually, I think my favorite application I've seen so far is the "baby-ticker pregnancy countdown" which shows a picture of a floating fetus and how big it is on the current day. But this is on the page of an American, so I can't blame everything on Europe...


Anonymous said...

As an "older person" I resent the implication that we don't know much about Facebook, chump-biting, and other cool things. Maybe that's true in Old Europe, as Donald Rumsfeld called it, but here in rural Minnesota we're all over high technology. Gotta go nap now.

Sarah said...

hahaha. lunchin. biting chumps is so dumb it hurts.